Frequently Asked Questions

Mayré Martínez Singing Academy

Are auditions held to select potential students?
No. The only requirement is to love to sing.

How many levels are there?
There are four: Basic, Intermediate, Advanced and Professional.

How will you determine the level I’m in?
Each student will be diagnosed by singing a song of his/her own choice. Then, based on the qualities they have previously developed and those they must develop, a correct level is assigned.
Basic Level: Mastering and calibration of the qualities of the voice.
(Pitch, Timbre, Volume y Duration)
Intermediate Level: Mastering of Basic tonal ornaments.
(Mordent, Apoyatura, Vibrato)
Advanced Level: Mastering of ornaments in every quality of sound and its combinations.
Professional Level: Vocal Creativity and Style
Specialization: Teacher of the Mayré Martínez Method

How long does a level last?At least 6 months, depending on the student's attendance to the supervised classes, and the daily practice time each student puts in. It also depends on each individual’s learning process.

How long is each supervised class?
60 minutes.

How much time should my practice sessions at home take?15 minutes of vocalization (with the Daily Vocal Training System by Mayré Martínez) and 15 of rehearsal (as recommended by the Mayré Martínez Method)

How many students will be in my class?A maximum of 3.

May I take private lessons?
Yes. However, we recommend taking group lessons because of what we call “indirect learning”, which comes through experimenting the experience of your classmates.

How frequent will my supervised classes be?
60 minutes, once a week.

May I take more than one class a week?If a short-term project were to come up, in which case the student is full-time committed to singing, we offer a 3-times-a-week master course. This frequency should not be exceeded, for the information may seem saturating and slow the learning process. If there is no major rush, we recommend taking one hour a week. The idea is have a whole week to work on your goal, on your own time, to assimilate it correctly, with no pressure.

What style or genre do you teach?The style is up to the student’s taste.

How old do I have to be to begin?Our teaching style is light, fun and unforced; so children may begin at a younger age, depending on his/her adaptation. Children generally begin at seven. However, fully aware and respectful of uniqueness, we accept younger children for a one month trial.

Am I too old to begin?
There is no age limit. Some of our most outstanding students are senior citizens.

Is the Academy only for people who want to sing professionally?Not necessarily. It's for everyone who loves singing and would like to learn to do it well, be it for themeselves, friends, family, at a party, on the Karaoke, or on the stage all around the world.
Will I get some kind of certificate for passing each level?
Yes. Once each level is completed, a special certificate will be awarded, and you will receive a diploma at the end of the course.

Will Mayré be teaching my class?
No; however, she is known to appear, sometimes as a guest and others as a special guest singer for the academy's events! Many times she'll gather her students for a round of tips before a show. Also, there are occasional contests, held by the Academy, to win a master class by Mayré.

How long will it take for me to sing well?
Once you pass the intermediate level, you are capable of singing in public with success, minding you’ve correctly rehearsed the song you would like to interpret.

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